I have to use attach-disk function for providing additional storage to the guest domain
but i couldn't found proper documentation anywhere which i can follow.
For linux (Ubuntu 11.10 server edition, 64bit) guest i tried
qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.qcow2 size
virsh attach-disk guest_name --driver file disk.qcow2 sdc
Both of the above commands are working fine but when i try to format the drive from
inside linux then its size reduces to few KB. Before formatting qemu-img info reports
correct info(as expected, correct virtual size) but after formatting the even qemu-img
info reports its actual size(few KB) not virtual size.
For windows (Windows 2008 Server R2) guest, i tried
qemu-img create -f raw disk.img size
virsh attach-disk guest_name --driver file disk.img vdb
virsh shows that the disk is attached successfully, but i cannot find any disk attached
from inside the guest (in storage management). I tried rebooting the guest but same
Is there anything that i am doing wrong or missing.
Jatin Kumar