On 10/27/2011 09:37 PM, Luengffy XUE wrote:
command: virsh migrate --live --copy-storage-all vm qemu+ssh://destinationHost/system error : unexpected failure PS log file in the jpg
Your jpg takes up a lot of bandwidth; it would be more efficient if you copy and paste the text from your console, rather than a screenshot of the console.
As to the actual error, I'm not sure if I can offer advice until I try to reproduce it, but I do know that --copy-storage-all hasn't received as much testing. Make sure that an empty file exists on the destination prior to the migration attempt, in case the error is stemming from qemu on the destination unable to open the file with SELinux permissions in force.
Also, what version of libvirt are you using? Newer libvirt tries harder to avoid the lame error messages from qemu being unable to start a migration without giving any reasons why.
-- Eric Blake eblake@xxxxxxxxxx +1-801-349-2682 Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org