On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 08:42:21PM -0400, Matthew Farrellee wrote: > http://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt.html#virDomainInfo > http://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt.html#virVcpuInfo > > Both virDomainInfo and virVcpuInfo have a nanosecond cpuTime field. How > do the two related to one another? > > With some experiementing, it appears the virDomainInfo::cpuTime is equal > to the host CPU time used by the qemu-kvm process for the domain. It > also appears that the sum(virVcpuInfo::cpuTime) for a domain is not > equal to the virDomainInfo::cpuTime. Is the virVcpuInfo::cpuTime how > much host CPU time was spent simulating the vCPU? Making the difference > between the sum and the virDomainInfo::cpuTime the overhead of qemu-kvm? Yes, virVcpuInfo::cpuTime is the execution time for a single vCPU, while virDomainInfo::cpuTime is execution time for the whole VM. QEMU has other non-VCPU threads, eg I/O threads, which is where the discrepancy you see comes in. > Does the relationship hold for other hypervisors? Yes & no. The 'whole VM' execution time is somewhat hard to actually define & report. eg QEMU with vhost enabled has a kernel thread doing some work that we are unable to report/account under the 'whole VM' time. With Xen meanwhile the 'whole VM' time is only really counting the time associated with the guest domain context, not stuff running in Dom0 context on behalf of the VM - eg qemu-dm time. IIUC, with stub domains that is resolved Daniel -- |: Red Hat, Engineering, London -o- http://people.redhat.com/berrange/ :| |: http://libvirt.org -o- http://virt-manager.org -o- http://deltacloud.org :| |: http://autobuild.org -o- http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :| |: GnuPG: 7D3B9505 -o- F3C9 553F A1DA 4AC2 5648 23C1 B3DF F742 7D3B 9505 :|