I am french student who works on a libvirt projet, it consists to get information from an hypervisor by using libvirt API in perl in cgi script but i have a great problem. I wrote my script and its works in EPIC but when i am trying to run it from apache web server as a CGI script, it goes wrong and i have this message: libvirt code 38 message: can no recv data: ssh connect to host myZenhost.mydomaine.fr port 22 in my browser. i made libvirtd installation and tried command line virsh -c xen+ssh://root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wich works correctly i dont know what wrong.I run the script to remote xen hypervisor as root with a good config of ssh (transport mode), I realize that the environment variables of root account (client) is not the same with apache webserver, and i am set the same path in apache env variable but there are no change. please i need your help to fix this problem. Cdt. Paul Roland JOUNEWE LAMBANG Ingénieur Réseaux Télécom Mob:+336 03 74 60 56 5, Av Albert 1er 95600 Eaubonne-France le mensonge est comme une bulle d'air qu'on tente désespérément de retenir au fond d'une récipient plein d'eau, tôt ou tard il finit par remonter en surface. |