2010/6/1 marwen marwen <marwen.ensi@xxxxxxxxx>: > hello > I'm currently using libvirt and opennebula. I have installed the libvirt > with the driver of opennebule "ONE" and I test the installation. > > /********************************************************/ > oneadmin@node016 ~]$ virsh -c one:/// > Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. > > Type: 'help' for help with commands > 'quit' to quit > > virsh # list > Id Name State > ---------------------------------- > > virsh # > /********************************************************/ > > > but I can not see the list of machines that run in the cluster node (Xen and > KVM) > I want to know if this is a problem of configuration files ( libvirtd.conf > and oned.conf). > can you help me to overcome this problem > > thank you > The OpenNebula driver is currently not really maintained by someone. I took a look at the OpenNebula driver code and I understand now why it doesn't work as expected. The driver keeps and internal list of known domains, but this list is never initialized with the already existing domains, that's why it doesn't list your already existing domains. The list is only altered by libvirt's define and undefine functions. I think that the driver should not cache this list, but it should request the list of existing domains from the OpenNebula daemon each time it needs it. This way it'll always be in sync with external changes. Once the internal list is replaced by a lookup function the rest of the driver should just work. I don't have a OpenNebula setup at hand, so patches welcome :) Matthias