Hello Justin,
sorry again for the late answer.
Justin Clift wrote:
Taking a look through the site and docs, I didn't see anything related to libvirt.
Arno-Can, what does this have to do with the libvirt project?
The relation is indirect for now.
The managed task is the same - the management of user sessions to
various hypervisors.
The difference is that the UnifiedSesionsManager utilizes the
commandline interfaces, not yet
a library interface. This has pros and cons.
One main advance of this project is simple integration of new
hypervisors and applications,
and the handling of huge amounts of VMs with an automatic inventory
scanner and a CSV text
database. Thus it is for example quite good usable for the handling of
development, debugging
and test environments for the development of libvirt.
The main intention was to present this as an R&D utilitiy, but also as
an alternate interface,
which emphasizes the personal customization of workspaces and sets of
The following versions are intended to use additionally a library based
API in combination with
distributed server daemons and an LDAP storage, thus most probably apply
libvirt and potentially
contribute to libvirt too.
Kind of seems like spam. :(
Justin Clift
libvir-list mailing list
Yours sincerly
Arno-Can Uesteunsoez
Arno-Can Uestuensoez
www.i4p.de / www.i4p.com
libvir-list mailing list