[libvirt] [PATCH] dynamic debug patch

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  First version of a small patch allowing to gather debug informations
from a running libvirt daemon. Basically one can send signal USR2
to the daemon, the daemon will from that point dump its current internal
state and all verbose debug output to a file /tmp/libvirt_debug_xxxx.
When sending back signal USR2 the file is closed and can be looked at
for analysis, this allow to save extensive debug informations from a
running daemon.

  The patch is rather minimal right now, it just applies to
qemud/qemud.c, modifies it to have global variables for error and
information output FILE, an init routing setting them up and hooking
a handler for USR2, the handler, a very minimal state dump. But it
works as is.

  Now I would like to extend that debugging to the library itself, so
any app linking to libvirt can be debugged in the same way. I would
also like to add debugging routines for most internal data structures.
I'm still wondering about the best form for those, should they use
a FILE * argument, an fd argument or a virBufferPtr for genericity
(probably the later would make most sense).

void virConnectDebug(virBufferPtr buf, virConnectPtr conn);

and similar for main internal data structures and drivers
The patch is just a work in progress but trying to get early feedback.
Maybe this could be used to get remote introspection capabilities too
but ATM I'm more looking at providing an easy way to get debug
informations on a libvirt program.

Also I'm unclear, do we really want to have all the debug strings
internationalized with _() , that's more work for localization team
and it's unclear this would benefit 'end users'.

Patch and an example of log attached,


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxx  | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/
Index: qemud/qemud.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/libxen/qemud/qemud.c,v
retrieving revision 1.109
diff -u -p -r1.109 qemud.c
--- qemud/qemud.c	4 Nov 2008 23:22:06 -0000	1.109
+++ qemud/qemud.c	5 Nov 2008 14:51:50 -0000
@@ -128,6 +128,116 @@ static void sig_handler(int sig, siginfo
     errno = origerrno;
+static FILE *error_out = NULL;
+static FILE *info_out = NULL;
+static int debug_activated = 0;
+ * Signal entry point on USR2 we can't do anything at that point except
+ * log the signal and have qemudToggleDebug called when back into the
+ * main loop.
+ */
+static void sig_debug(int sig, siginfo_t * siginfo, void* context) {
+    sig_handler(sig, siginfo, context);
+ * Debug the state of a client
+ */
+static void qemudDumpDebugClient(struct qemud_client *client) {
+    if (client->magic != QEMUD_CLIENT_MAGIC) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_DEBUG,
+                 _("\nQEmud client: invalid magic %X, skipping\n"),
+                 (unsigned int) client->magic);
+        return;
+    }
+    qemudLog(QEMUD_DEBUG, _("QEmud client: fd %d readonly %d mode %d"),
+             client->fd, client->readonly, client->mode);
+    /* TODO: more complete dump of state, especially the connection */
+ * Debug the state of a server
+ */
+static void qemudDumpDebugServer(struct qemud_server *server) {
+    struct qemud_client *client;
+    if (server == NULL) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_DEBUG, "%s",
+            _("QEmud server: NULL pointer\n"));
+        return;
+    }
+    qemudLog(QEMUD_DEBUG,
+        _("QEmud server: listening on %d sockets, %d clients\n"),
+             server->nsockets, server->nclients);
+    client = server->clients;
+    while (client != NULL) {
+        qemudDumpDebugClient(client);
+        client = client->next;
+    }
+ * Toggle the debug status on/off, on on create a new temporary
+ * debug file and start saving the output there
+ * It is called when the signal USR2 is received.
+ */
+static void qemudToggleDebug(struct qemud_server *server) {
+    if (debug_activated == 0) {
+        char path[50] = "/tmp/libvirt_debug_XXXXXX";
+        int fd = mkstemp(path);
+        if (fd >= 0) {
+            error_out = fdopen(fd, "a");
+            if (error_out != NULL) {
+                info_out = error_out;
+                debug_activated = 1;
+                qemudDumpDebugServer(server);
+            } else {
+                qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR,
+                     "%s", _("Failed to create temporary debug file"));
+                error_out = stderr;
+            }
+        } else {
+            qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR,
+                 "%s", _("Failed to get temporary debug file"));
+        }
+    } else {
+        debug_activated = 0;
+        fclose(error_out);
+        error_out = stderr;
+        info_out = stdout;
+    }
+ * Set up the debugging environment
+ */
+static void qemudInitDebug(void) {
+    struct sigaction oldact;
+    struct sigaction sig_action;
+    /*
+     * if there is already an handler, leave it as is to
+     * avoid disturbing the application's behaviour
+     */
+    if (sigaction (SIGUSR2, NULL, &oldact) == 0) {
+        if (oldact.sa_handler == NULL && oldact.sa_sigaction == NULL) {
+            sig_action.sa_sigaction = sig_debug;
+            sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sig_action, NULL);
+        }
+    }
+    error_out = stderr;
+    info_out = stdout;
 static void qemudDispatchClientEvent(int fd, int events, void *opaque);
 static void qemudDispatchServerEvent(int fd, int events, void *opaque);
 static int qemudRegisterClientEvent(struct qemud_server *server,
@@ -260,7 +370,11 @@ qemudDispatchSignalEvent(int fd ATTRIBUT
         server->shutdown = 1;
+    case SIGUSR2:
+        qemudToggleDebug(server);
+        break;
         qemudLog(QEMUD_INFO, _("Received unexpected signal %d"),
@@ -306,7 +420,7 @@ void qemudLog(int priority, const char *
     va_start(args, fmt);
-    if (godaemon) {
+    if ((godaemon) && (!debug_activated)) {
         int sysprio = -1;
         switch(priority) {
@@ -336,22 +450,22 @@ void qemudLog(int priority, const char *
         switch(priority) {
         case QEMUD_ERR:
         case QEMUD_WARN:
-            vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
-            fputc('\n', stderr);
+            vfprintf(error_out, fmt, args);
+            fputc('\n', error_out);
         case QEMUD_INFO:
-            if (verbose) {
-                vprintf(fmt, args);
-                fputc('\n', stdout);
+            if ((verbose) || (debug_activated)) {
+                vfprintf(info_out, fmt, args);
+                fputc('\n', info_out);
         case QEMUD_DEBUG:
-            if (verbose) {
-                vprintf(fmt, args);
-                fputc('\n', stdout);
+            if ((verbose) || (debug_activated)) {
+                vfprintf(info_out, fmt, args);
+                fputc('\n', info_out);
@@ -2163,12 +2277,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
             return 2;
-            fprintf (stderr, "libvirtd: internal error: unknown flag: %c\n",
+            fprintf (error_out, "libvirtd: internal error: unknown flag: %c\n",
             exit (1);
+    qemudInitDebug();
     if (godaemon) {
         openlog("libvirtd", 0, 0);
         if (qemudGoDaemon() < 0) {
QEmud server: listening on 2 sockets, 1 clients

QEmud client: fd 10 readonly 0 mode 0
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 1 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 5
EVENT: Add handle 10 14 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 10 4 0x24c1610
EVENT: Remove handle 10
EVENT: mark delete 4
EVENT: Add handle 10 13 0x4087d0 0x24c1610
EVENT: Calculate expiry of 1 timers
EVENT: Timeout at 0 due in -1 ms
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got -1 event
EVENT: Poll on 5 handles 0x24d91f0 timeout -1
EVENT: Poll got 1 event
EVENT: Dispatch 3 1 0x24c1610
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