Arvind Navale wrote:
Hi Folks,
Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to install 3rd party software as part of kickstart post installation process. If it can be then provide me some pointers as to how I can achieve it.
Thank you,
In our post section, we mount an nfs share that has a collection of
scripts. The scripts install rpm's from our yum repository or they
untar tarballs for some of the large 3rd party software.
mkdir /mnt/nfs_install
mount -t nfs -o nolock,ro fileserver:/path/to/install/scripts
The setup_pkg* scripts are shell scripts that do whatever is necessary
for each package ("yum -y install <package>" or "cd /opt; tar -xzf
As part of the scripts, we redirect stdout/stderr to files in the chroot
environment (e.g. /root/kickstart-log/setup_pk1.stderr
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