Hi Phil, and the list-- > On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Matt Sturtz wrote: > >> I thought genhdlist simply produced an ordered package list, such that >> the comps.xml could specify the package name, which could be matched >> in the list to an exact version, etc? What could be going wrong here? > > (This question seems to arise once every few months; I'm almost tempted > to hunt down the issue on anaconda's pakage order code) > > RHEL3 has a bug/feature whereby anaconda does not re-order package lists > generated by genhdlist when necessary. > > This mail: > https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2005-August/msg00465.html > > details the "genhdlist; pkgorder; genhdlist" steps required. Perfect, this solved my problem... I had to do a bit of monkeying, because pkgorder prefers to run on the same release as it's building the tree for (can you say chicken-and-egg?), but I've got it working. Thanks for the rapid reply, -Matt-