Thanks for the reply Chip but it didn’t
work. I received the same error. Liz From: kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Shabazian, Chip Will this server get a dhcp address if you
boot from the boot.iso (or disk 1 with askmethod) and select http, ftp or nfs
as your install path? If so, you are probably running into a
switch timing issue that I have to deal with every day. Try adding an
ethtool option to the end of your command line: if 100MB Full Duplex: ksdevice=eth0
eth0_ethtool="autoneg=off speed=100 duplex=full" If 1000MB Full: ksdevice=eth0
eth0_ethtool="autoneg=on speed=1000 duplex=full" Chip From:
kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Elizabeth.Brosch@xxxxxxxxxxx I have been trying to get kickstart working but have had no
success. Here are the last few lines of the kickstart process before
it dies: *getting kickstart file *sending dhcp request through device eth0 *waiting for link * 5 seconds * running dhcp for eth0 * pump told us: No DHCP reply received * eth0 isn’t a wireless adaptor I have checked every possible configuration with regards to
dhcp, pxe, tftp, but cannot find anything wrong. Has anyone else seen this type of behavior? Thanks in advance. Liz Brosch TSH System Services office: (215) 386-0100 x1144 cell: (267) 784-9166 |