Overriding the default install of @Core and @Base
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Hello, all -
I had a question regarding the, from what I can see, forced install of
the @Core and @Base groups.
According to
"In most cases, it is only necessary to list the desired groups and not
individual packages. Note that the Core and Base groups are always
selected by default, so it is not necessary to specify them in the
%packages section."
That's not what I want. I'm a bit picky about my conf files, and want
to take the files listed as "installed" in my /root/install.log file,
and place them in my kickstart %packages section. There are some items
in the @Base and @Core groups that I do not want/need installed, so I'd
rather specify item by item explicitly what I WANT to install, not what
I DON'T want to install. I want to make this an "inclusive" install,
rather than an "exclusive" install, if that makes sense.
If anyone here has battled with trying to make the perfect install
situation, you know what I'm talking about ;) Any help regarding this
would be greatly appreciated.
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