Williams, James - Memphis, TN - Contractor wrote:
I used tar to copy files from
cdrom to the install directory so the .discinfo file was copied. Does
anyone have any suggestions?
I just came across the pax command. The -rw mode is a copy function.
The preserve, -p eop, options may be redundant but it works ok. I used
it to copy several user's home directories with all their dot files to a
new server via nfs. I left myself with a captain's log that you could
adapt for this process. You must copy from the source directory!
# Copy all the files from /home to /home
# 1. Mount the source directory into /mnt/cdrom
# I was too lazy to make a new mount point.
# mount -t nfs baloo:/home /mnt/cdrom
# 2. cd into source directory
# cd /mnt/cdrom
# 2. The target directory should have been created above
# 3. pax -rw -p eop . /targetdir
# pax -rw -p eop . /home
# 4. Unmount the source directory
# umount /mnt/cdrom
Pax can also operate on tar and cpio files. You can also copy files by
user, etc.--it's very powerful. For what it is worth, I found it on MS
Windows 2000 at work. I am sure Billy Boy thought we would tar and cpio
all our files up and untar them on MS Windows with one combination
command. However, it might make MS Windows useful as a work around
until a Linux box is available. ;-)