I'm using kickstart to jump a compaq evo (1.7Ghz cpu, 256 ram, ide hard drive) with server config.
it partitions fine and begins the package install, however it gives err hwdata-0.101.12-1 package
can't be opened missing file and will not continue the install. I used tar to copy files from
cdrom to the install directory so the .discinfo file was copied. Does anyone have any suggestions?
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Williams;James FN:Williams, James - Memphis, TN - Contractor ORG:THE ORKAND CORP TITLE:Contractor NOTE:OU2: Exchange/Memphis TN OU3: NCSC Memphis TN. ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Natl Cust Sup Ctr=0D=0A6060 Primacy Pkwy Ste 201=0D=0A;Memphis;TN;38188-00= 01 LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Natl Cust Sup Ctr=0D=0A6060 Primacy Pkwy Ste 201=0D=0A=0D=0AMemphis, TN 3818= 8-0001 EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:james.williams@xxxxxxxx REV:20040707T144957Z END:VCARD