So it seems like the boot floppy disk(s) are on their way into the great graveyard of old technology. That being said this removes the constraint of adding new things to kickstart! So I was thinking - what if the kickstart file format was ditched for an xml format instead. with things going to boot.isos for booting fedora core (and I'd hope rhel) then libxml2+python bindings shouldn't be an issue to get on the disk. It would mean more consistent and sane parsing of kickstarts, more easy to generate a kickstart from a config file and still trivially editable by a human. think, for example, of how much easier the disk partitioning specification could become if it is in a cleaner format than the getopt-format that is now used? You could also, potentially, do cased dependencies in the kickstart - which would add flexibility and power. Is this worth thinking about? -sv