Hi List, We have built an application server "appliance" that is built using a kickstart disk. Eack new server has a new (and customised) kickstart disk built and posted out to them. We are using RedHat 7.3 and we plan to move to another OS in a few months. Our problem is that nearly 50% of the installs fail due to network card drivers....what do people do about this? Is there a disk set that contains more drivers? Perhaps we can tell users to try our normal install disk, and if it fails then use this set of disks? We really like the way we only have on disk at the moment....we would not like to move to a "multi-disk" setup unless it was really necessary. Also, when the install fails anaconda asks the user a number of questions...language, installation media, FTP details & network card driver. Can we change this behaviour? Perhaps just say "your network card is not supported....please replace with a 3Com XXX or an Intel XXX. ? Thanks for your help, -- Ross Cooney