Thanks everyone for your help in getting memory detection working. Here
is some info from the original post.
>Can anyone suggest a reliable method of detecting the amount of memory
>is in an ia32 machine during the install when it is running the -BOOT
>I am trying to carve up disks based on ram, number of disks, etc and the
>only tricky part is the ram.
The easiest solution came from Chris Adams who said:
Let anaconda figure it out for you!
ram=`python <<EOF
import sys
import iutil
sizekB = iutil.memInstalled(1)
print sizekB
All of my %pre and %post sections are written in perl so I decided to
figure out what the python was doing. This is what I came up with.
sub getram {
# ia32 boot kernel only sees up to about 1 gig of ram.
# Have to did to find how much there really is in the machine.
my $e820info = "/proc/e820info";
if ( -f $e820info ) {
open ( MEM, $e820info ) ||
die "Couldn't open $e820info\n";
while ( <MEM> ) {
next unless /\(usable\)/;
$ram += int ( hex ((split /\s+/)[0]));
} else {
open ( MEM, "/proc/meminfo" ) ||
die "Couldn't open /proc/meminfo\n";
while ( <MEM> ) {
next unless /^Mem:/;
$ram = (split /\s+/)[1];
close ( MEM );
$ram = int ( $ram / 1048576 );