Warnes, Jason SktnHR: >Hi everyone, this is my first post to this list, so please bear with >me. I'm trying to get a Kickstart installation running for a RedHat 9 >system. Here are the system detail: > > Intel Pentium - 133Mhz > 32MB RAM > 1.2GB Hard Disk You must edit Anaconda file partitioning.py. At end of this file is: if not partitions.isKickstart: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Low Memory"), _("As you don't have much memory in this " "machine, we need to turn on swap space " "immediately. To do this we'll have to " "write your new partition table to the disk " "immediately. Is that OK?"), "okcancel") else: rc = 0 if rc: fsset.setActive(diskSet) diskSet.savePartitions () fsset.formatSwap(instPath) fsset.turnOnSwap(instPath) return modifi rc = 0 to rc = 1 to adding swap in kickstart Tomas Jacko