Kind of stupid to answer my own post, but here goes in case any one runs
into the same situation... Looks like the order in which the commands
appear makes a difference (kind of dumb if you ask me). Originally my
ks.cfg file looked like this
Which is the way that anaconda-ks.cfg is created in roots home directory.
Instead I used ksconfig to create a ks file just to see the options that
it created and used where and the only difference was the order in which
they appeared. Now the ks.cfg looks like this...
lang en_US
langsupport --default en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
mouse none
timezone --utc America/New_York
rootpw **********
bootloader --location=mbr
zerombr yes
clearpart --all --all --initlabel --drives=hda
after this comes the partitions, packages, and %post. One more thing if
you want the installation to reboot automatically you better include
the reboot entry otherwise it will sit there until you hit ENTER.
| José J. Cintrón - <jcintron@xxxxxxxxx>
| MITRE Corporation
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