No one's mentioned it as of yet, but there is an excellent article on
exactly this process in the April 2003 Linux Journal. This article is
also online at the URL provided below.
Peter Ziobrzynski wrote:
I am following the procedure to update my redhat 8 kickstart RPMS with
the updates that was described here for redhat 7.1. The kickstart starts
and looks like going well (progress reports are moving) but finally it
looks like glibc gets conflicts and is not installed and everything
hangs. I did the following:
1. Get all original RPMS from: and put
it into directory:
2. Get all RPMS updates from:
and out them into the same directory:
3. Remove duplicate RPMS (using Jason Tibbitts perl script posted on
this list).
4. Rebuild /export/redhat8/RedHat/base/hdlist with:
cd /export/redhat8/RedHat
genhdlist --hdlist=base/hdlist --withnumbers /export/redhat8
5. Run the kickstart. Error messages:
* glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80 conflicts with to-be-installed package
glibc-2.3.3, removing glibc from set
* ... removed
* WARNING: not all packages in hdlist had order tag
* found the comps package
* failed to install comps.rpm. oh well
* Writing main configuration
* self.hostname =
* GRUB commnad root (hd0,0)
install /boot/grub/stage1 d (hd0) /boot/grub/stage2 p
Everything hangs now.
What am I missing?