In looking at the various RedHat distributions, it appears that the ramdisk_size=NNNN value is growing from release to release. I'm looking to hard-wire in a one-size-fits-all ramdisk_size into a boot menu, so that there's a boot menu item for kickstarting the o/s. The problem is that I don't want to have to track RH's changing ramdisk needs, I just want to make sure that I specifiy something big enough for the forseeable future (ie, would work for rh7.2 through 9 and hopefully whatever follows rh9). Redhat8 uses a ramdisk_size of 9216. The target systems all have lots of memory, so keeping the kickstart ramdisk tiny isn't needed. If I specified a ramdisk_size=32000 to pick a really big value, would kickstarting still likely work ? -- ---------- Vince.Skahan@xxxxxxxxxx --------- Connexion by Boeing - Cabin Network