I'm still having problems with sending an email from %post, and it gets even weirder now.. Here is my %post. ####### %post ( #make a mount point for nfs mkdir /tmp/nfs #mount the build server mount /tmp/nfs #go to the mounted directory cd /tmp/nfs #install XML Simple RPM (very handy Perl module) rpm -ivh build_packages/perl-XML-Simple.rpm #copy over ssh keys mkdir /root/.ssh/ cp -v build_packages/ao_ssh_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys #install cfengine and run configuration script rpm -ivh build_packages/cfengine.rpm cfagent -v -f build_scripts/1.0.0/cfengine.conf echo hi >/root/test1 ) &> /root/kickstart-post.log echo hi >/root/test2 mail -v james_martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -b james_martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -s "build complete:`hostname` `date +"%D %r"` < /roo t/kickstart-post.log > /root/ks-email-log.txt ##### Now the echo statements are in there for debugging. Both are written as specified.. The kickstart-post.log file is written fine as well; however, I don't receive an email, nor does the /root/ks-email-log.txt file get written. Any ideas? (Note the mail command is not wrapped as it probably appears in this email). James S. Martin, RHCE Contractor Administrative Office of the United States Courts Washington, DC (202) 502-2394