On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 11:42:21AM -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote: > >>>>> "JPH" == Jason P Holland <Jason> writes: > > JPH> I was wondering if anyone knows of any tools already > JPH> written or hanging around that can automate keeping an > JPH> installation repository of rpms uptodate with the current patched > JPH> rpms?? > > The responses I've seen so far didn't seem to address the issue. > There was a discussion on this last about a month ago where a few > tools were listed; I ended up using one written in Perl called > "update_rpms". When configured with the appropriate paths, it asks > you about each updated RPM and makes a hard link from the updates > directory into the installation repository (so you only keep one copy > around). > > It seems to work well enough. I don't recall where the script came > from, but I can send a copy if you can't find it in the archives. That was me :-). Glad it's working out for you. I have a newer version that's a little smarter about version/release comparisons. (Specifically, it doesn't offer to replace a "newer" RPM with an "older" one, based on version/release comparison.) The URL is http://pubpages.unh.edu/~pas/update_rpms I won't repeat last month's message in its entirety, but anyone interested should read it here (especially the disclaimer :-): http://www.redhat.com/mailing-lists/kickstart-list/msg06373.html -- -- Paul A. Sand | __ . . -- University of New Hampshire | ._ _. __/(]| . .._ |_ _ _|. . -- pas@xxxxxxx | [_)(_]_) \__/ (_|[ )[ ) * (/,(_](_| -- http://pubpages.unh.edu/~pas | |