The question of how to kickstart everything but static ip configuration has been asked several times, and the answer has usually been that you can't. Here's a method that seems to be working for my situation anyway: redhat 7.3, ks=floppy, and --url ftp://... In ks.cfg, use: network --device eth0 --bootproto query This will bring up the 1st phase (loader) networking configuration screen and allow you to enter static ip info. When anaconda starts up however, it doesn't remember the info just entered, and doesn't recognize "query" as a valid option (not that you'd want to enter it twice anyway). By including the following %pre section, the ip info (including hostname, which is derived from dns) is extracted from /tmp/netinfo, (and /etc/resolv.conf) and replaces the network configuration line in /tmp/ks.cfg, the local copy of the kickstart file, in time for it to be parsed by anaconda. No editing of ks.cfg on the floppy is required, it's unchanged and ready for the next install. --------------------------------- %pre get() { grep $1 /tmp/netinfo |cut -d'=' -f2 } device=`get DEVICE` ip=`get IPADDR` netmask=`get NETMASK` host=`get HOSTNAME` gateway=`get GATEWAY` nameserver=`grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf` line="network --bootproto static --device $device --ip $ip --netmask $netmask --hostname $host --gateway $gateway --$nameserver" ks="/tmp/ks.cfg" sed -e "/^network/s/^network.*/$line/" $ks >${ks}.tmp && mv ${ks}.tmp $ks ----------------------------------- (no line breaks, of course, in 'line="network...', or that last line, 'sed -e...') -Ed