Hi all,
I have a perplexing problem . I want to start postgresql In %post
section of Kickstart, so I can connect to template1 as postgres user,
add new DB users, and initialise a database (All in ks.cfg). I would
also like to be able to initialise a DB from a schema once the user is
I have done this in ks.cfg :
%post --interpreter /bin/bash
/sbin/service postgresql start
/bin/echo "CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'somepassword' CREATEDB
CREATEUSER;"| /usr/bin/psql -d template1 -U postgres
However, the user is never created. I have done this:
/sbin/service postgresql start 2>&1 >/tmp/startPGresult
Just to see the result returned from the command. /tmp/startPGresult
Initializing database: ESC[60G[ ESC[0;32mOKESC[0;39m ]
Starting postgresql service: ESC[60G[ESC[0;31mFAILEDESC[0;39m]
So postmaster is never started therefore add user command will never work.
I have also tried:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start 2>&1 >/tmp/startPGresult
With same result (Not that I expected different)......
I found one old post refering to starting postgresql in kickstart
%post, and it says they were successfull. However, it involved use of
'chvt 3' before starting postgresql. I didn't think that VT's are
available in latest install for Redhat ?? Therefore have not tried this.
Any assistance will be most appreciated.