Hi Dave, > Every faq/howto I've read goes on at length about %post contents > crashing or hanging the ks, so I wanted to clear up what > would happen if > I set it to run commands that require user interaction (e.g. up2date About the only issue I've come across with running %post commands is that the display is not left in an ideal state for accepting user interaction. i.e. the cursor is turned off, there's a blue background rather than the normal black, etc. I use the following code to fix the display, and then return it to how it was. This works for me with RH 7.1; YMMV of course. Ignore the C-style comments, I run my Kickstart scripts through cpp. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #define TTY_B /dev/tty1 echo -ne "\e[0;0m" > TTY_B // Reset display attributes clear > TTY_B // Clear the screen stty echo // Turn echo back on stty opost // Post-process output echo -ne "\e[?25h\e[?0c"> TTY_B // Turn the cursor back on /do/something/here read some_input here /do/something/else /* Put the screen back to how it was */ echo -ne "\e[44m" > TTY_B // Blue background clear > TTY_B // Clear the screen echo -ne "\e[1;33m" > TTY_B // Bright yellow echo -ne "\e[?25l\e[?1c" > TTY_B // Turn the cursor back off stty -echo // Turn echo back off stty -opost // Do not postprocess output -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hope that helps, Jonathan