Okay, It's been a while since I did this and I'm struggling so please bear with me, I've ready the howto's that people have provided but there are a few things that bug me about the anaconda-runtime stuff. 1. Where are the man pages for all this stuff? Is there any documentation from redhat at all? 2. What is the exact order of things that need to be done, everyone seems to be doing it a little bit different. 3. Do I need to run pkgorder? 4. When I go to update my installation source with the updates rpms from redhat what do you now do with all the athlong/ia64/s390 stuff? 5. My installs now bomb out with anaconda issues! 6. Does what distro of redhat you use to run pkgorder matter? If someone can shed some light on the basic process I'd love to hear it. Or point me in the right spot for documentation would be great! Thanks, - john