Re: pre-install commands

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> I am hoping to be able to dd zeros to the drive in order to
> wipe out weird partition info that causes the regular kickstart install
> to prompt the user about bad partition information,

There a lot of useful tools that can be used during the install.

Have a look into


ls usr/bin
[         date      kill        mformat     mv          rlogin    tar
anaconda  dd        killall     minfo       mzip        rm        tee
basename  df        less        mkdir       nc          rmdir     test
bash      dirname   ln          mknod       nslookup    route     touch
busybox   du        losetup     mlabel      open        rpm       true
cat       echo      ls          mmd         pico        rpm2cpio  tty
chattr    env       lsattr      mmount      pidof       rsh       umount
chgrp     false     lsmod       mmove       ping        sed       uname
chmod     find      makedevs    modprobe    pivot_root  sh        uncpio
chown     free      mattrib     more        ps          sleep     uniq
chroot    ftp       mbadblocks  mount       pump        sort      uptime
chvt      grep      mcd         mpartition  pwd         stty      vi
clear     gunzip    mcopy       mrd         python      swapoff   wc
cmp       gzip      md5sum      mren        python1.5   swapon    which
collage   head      mdel        mshowfat    raidstart   sync      whoami
cp        hostname  mdeltree    mt          raidstop    syslinux  xargs
cpio      id        mdir        mtools      rcp         tac       yes
cut       ifconfig  mdu         mtype       reset       tail      zcat

ls /usr/sbin
badblocks  e2label           hwclock   mke2fs      mkswap      sfdisk
chroot     fdisk             ifconfig  mkfs.ext2   modprobe    traceroute
clock      fsck              insmod    mkfs.ext3   parted      tune2fs
ddcprobe   fsck.ext2         lilo      mkfs.msdos  probe
debugfs    fsck.ext3         lsmod     mkfs.vfat   reiserfsck
depmod     gnome-pty-helper  lspci     mkraid      rmmod
e2fsck     hdparm            mkdosfs   mkreiserfs  route

As you can see you can use dd and sfdisk. If you need something else you
can copy it into the stage2.img (should be linked statically)


		Florian Festi

PS.: Is is possible that %pre is run from hdstg1.img/netstg1.img. I'm not
shure about that, but they contain the same tools.

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