Hello, I am running a 7.2 kickstart installation and am having problems with the partitioning. When I attempt to write out any partitions I get this error: Could not allocate requested partitions: Partitioning failed: Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions. Press OK to reboot your system. This occurs when I use clearpart --linux or clearprt -- all and part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=323232 --ondisk=hda part swap --size=256 --ondisk=hda part / --fstype ext3 --size=700 --grow --ondisk=hda I have researched the error and have found that this error usually occurs when more than 4 partitions are attempted to be put on a single ide hard drive (ide is what I have). This makes sense since it appears that clearpart is not working as I still have the old partitions left after the install fails. So, basically, does anyone know why clearpart might not be working? --Colin Devine