I do NFS kickstart installs for my laptop. Since I use NIS for authentication, I downloaded the authconfig update from rawhide to fix bug #61887. Everything worked with the new RPM so I decided to try the RHupdates trick mentioned in the NFS section of install-methods.txt (from the anaconda package). In there it says - NFS (from a directory of ISOs) -------------------------------- Summary: Loopback mounts ISO images from NFS server. Update Options: - floppy - 'updates.img' file in 'RedHat/base' directory - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory are used in preference to those in original. so I made a directory RHupdates in the directory where I put the .iso images and copied the authconfig update RPMs there. ls -1 yields base command-line.txt images install-methods.txt MD5SUMS README RELEASE-NOTES RHupdates Skipjack-i386-disc1.iso Skipjack-i386-disc2.iso Skipjack-i386-disc3.iso Skipjack-i386-disc4.iso Skipjack-i386-disc5.iso The re-install did not use the authconfig in the RHupdates directory and I was wondering if I did something wrong of if this is a bug. Tony