On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 10:16:41AM +0100, pierre-yves.verdon wrote: > > well i suppose you just havre read linda and answer to my mail... > I did read that, that is the one I found hint to that ksip parameter. > http://store.redhat.com/mailing-lists/kickstart-list/msg01544.html > what i have done is use a dhcp server to boot, and get the ks.cfg, but > the final ip address is specified on command line at the boot prompt. > The ksip parameter is used in the %post section, and not at boot > Ok, so ksip is wrong parameter. What I am looking for is "bootip" or similar. I want to use static ip during installation (the final ip and hostname will be modified later). And it would be nice if that static ip could be changed (if needed). So how can I tell the client: "this is your ip, use it, there is no dhcp to use". > > > Loading starts and right after Message prompt: "Dynamic IP / sending request for IP information", > > it stops on another prompt: "Kickstart error: Error opening: kicstart file: /tmp/ks.cfg no such file or..." > > this means that the ks.cfg has not been downloaded in /tmp/ks.cfg > It does not even try to download it nor try to mount nfs directory. it also works ok, if I use dhcp (just tried), but that is not best solution for this environment. -- T:Ossi