Thanks for the answer: I tried with nochroot and it did not help. In the post install section I have various commands like: useradd user1 -s /bin/tcsh (aborted with reason: failed to find group file) chown -R user1 /home/user1 (No such user) cp /home/user1/file1 /etc chkconfig sendmail off chkconfig --add telnet chmod 777 /dev/ttyS1 I tried what you told me but I am not sure I understood it completely. I noticed after installation that there is a file /etc/bashrc, but my commands were not written into it. I also assume that after EOF you have to put the command: /etc/bashrc so it will be done during the installation - anyway - It did not work. Additionaly - in Redhat 7.1 I didn't have any problem with the same commands in %post and the same kind of installation, so something must have changed between the versions. Shaike Bakalash Iss Division - Nice Systems Tel: 972-9-7753596 Fax: 972-9-7753888 E-mail: shaib@xxxxxxxx