OK, things are clicking now. Here is some info that I have found out while doing this. Most of you probably already know, but thought I would share. :) BTW, thanks to all that have put up with my stream of questions. Things you shouldn't do: Don't put your rpms in a samba share and expect to burn them from a Windows machine CD writer (this is probably obvious to everyone but me) Don't trust the mkickstart program to create an exact duplicate of the currently running system. It is just a really good start. Things you should do: Use the mkisofs command line to create the iso image....then you can use the Windows machine to burn the ISO image...this works great! I think you can't really do any good customization without genhdlist. This seems to be an integral part of the customization...unless you don't mind inserting two CD's :) I have include the scripts I have made to that help me make the boot disk and CD. The scripts I made are strictly for making a boot disk and to use a CD. Because I am not using genhdlist, it requires I insert the 2nd CD. Maybe Alan Cox - the author of mkkickstart - will consider adding something similar to this to his mkkickstart utility to help. I am working on making them nicer to use, but for now they work. Mike Barsalou Michael Barsalou barjunk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
#!/bin/bash mount -o loop boot.img boot/ zcat boot/initrd.img > initrd.img mount -o loop initrd.img initrd/
lang en_US network --bootproto dhcp cdrom device ethernet ne --opts "io=0x300 irq=3" keyboard "us" zerombr yes clearpart --linux part swap --asprimary --size=260 part / --asprimary --size=1000 --grow install mouse genericps/2 --emulthree timezone America/Anchorage skipx rootpw --iscrypted $1$PxxJl36h$kENWBwnAenUj3qnpafYwd. auth --useshadow lilo --location mbr %packages glibc-common mailcap redhat-release filesystem glibc bdflush cracklib db2 dosfstools eject gdbm gmp iputils libjpeg losetup mingetty bash hotplug groff modutils ncurses cpio ed at gawk grep dhcpcd less make net-tools openssl groff-perl popt procmail psmisc pwdb rdate ftp rsh console-tools shadow-utils newt ntsysv slocate syslinux tcl tcsh textutils mkinitrd mkbootdisk time crontabs utempter vim-minimal whois cracklib-dicts authconfig gpm passwd a2ps krb5-libs LPRng sendmail XFree86-libs control-panel tix gnupg libxml alchemist pythonlib rpm-python util-linux apmd ipchains kernel netcfg openssh-clients pidentd quota usermode anacron chkfontpath xtt-fonts ghostscript unzip dos2unix samba-common unix2dos sysstat gd rdist ucd-snmp arpwatch lsof stat linuxconf samba tripwire kernel-headers glibc-devel lynx python-devel openssl-devel bc perl rmt talk wget 4Suite ghostscript-fonts indexhtml redhat-logos setup basesystem termcap chkconfig db1 db3 e2fsprogs file glib hdparm ksymoops libtermcap mailx mktemp bzip2 libstdc++ MAKEDEV mpage info diffutils fileutils findutils gettext ash gzip m4 man nkf bind-utils pnm2ppa logrotate procps psutils raidtools readline rootfiles sed setserial dev slang kbdconfig setuptool sysklogd tar tcp_wrappers telnet mount lilo mouseconfig tmpwatch traceroute vim-common which words pam cyrus-sasl kudzu sh-utils freetype krbafs openldap SysVinit gtk+ tk zlib libpng python python-xmlrpc rpm tkinter initscripts devfsd iptables lokkit openssh pciutils pump timeconfig vixie-cron XFree86-xfs urw-fonts VFlib2 printconf zip mtools samba-client openssh-server xinetd mt-st tcpdump ucd-snmp-utils iproute screen sudo stunnel sysctlconfig binutils cpp gcc rpm-build patch mkkickstart %post
#!/bin/bash dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0
#!/bin/bash cp boot.img /samba/cdrom/images mkisofs -b images/boot.img -c boot.cat -J -L -r -T -v -o RH71-prntcntrlr.iso /samba/cdrom
#!/bin/bash cat /dev/zero > initrd/zerofile rm initrd/zerofile umount initrd gzip -9 initrd.img mv initrd.img.gz boot/initrd.img cp ks.cfg boot/ cp syslinux.cfg boot/ umount boot
Place these programs in the directory where you will be customizing your boot image: pack unpack makedisk makeiso configure README boot.cat Run the configure script to create the boot and initrd directories unpack - will loop mount the boot.img and initrd.img files pack - will put it all back to the boot.img makedisk - creates floppy with ks.cfg and syslinux.cfg add makeiso - creates iso image so that you can burn the cd (requires mkisofs rpm) boot.cat - needed for makeiso to work (I have no idea what this is for) Please look at the scripts before you use them so you can understand how they work. Mike Barsalou barjunk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
default ks prompt 1 timeout 10 label ks kernel vmlinuz append ks=floppy initrd=initrd.img local
#!/bin/bash mkdir boot mkdir initrd