I have some Intel STL2 motherboard based machines which I'm attempting to get RH 7.1 to kickstart onto. The STL2 has a very poor implementation of the Ether Express Pro chip however, and it hangs with the eepro100 driver. The e100 driver that ships with RH is somewhat better, but the e100 driver (1.6.6) that Intel makes (seems to be no relation other than name) works quite well. I'd like to have kickstart boot the RH e100 driver, then install a RPM which contains Intel's e100 driver and then have the post install script flip the kickstart boot floppy to a generic boot disk, reboot the machine with Intel's driver, and the put the floppy back to a kickstart floppy. The problem is in trying to get kickstart to load RH's e100 driver on initial boot. If I add the device e100 line to my ks.cfg file, it will load the driver, but it will also load the eepro100 driver and use it! This does me no good whatsoever! How can I override this functionality?? Is it possible to do this on the append line on syslinux? your help greatly appreciated, Will