Forrest -- ...and then Taylor, ForrestX said... % I think that the problem might be that you are trying to run syslinux % through lilo. Syslinux is made to be run by itself (sans lilo). You would Well, I kinda thought about that, but didn't see enough instructions to get things going some other way. % have to put syslinux in the MBR to get it to run properly. Please remind me % what you are trying to accomplish here, and why you don't want to use I have an existing linux system and would like to boot from the hard drive and then completely reinstall via kickstart. If I use a floppy, I have to boot from that and then eject the floppy half way through so that my automatic reboot (at least it does that much now; it used to require a keyboard to hit return) doesn't simply keep trying to install over and over again, but I'd like to be able to just ssh client "lilo -R kick ; reboot" and have it set the boot target, reboot itself, and happily reload. As long as it can find a kickstart config, or even something reasonably like it, I'm happy. I can see the even cooler benefits of booting from the network but it's not at all worth it to me to look into booting from the NIC and pulling down the kernel (at least not this week ;-) % cd/floppy install (it must be Monday). *grin* % % Forrest Thanks again! :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxx * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxx Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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