Is it possible to synchronize command in %post ? Because with the graphic card "ATI Xpert 98" there is a crash in anaconda: File "usr/lib/anaconda/" line 174 in set vidcart self.devID=self.vidCards[self.imary] ["NAME"] Type error : sequence index musst be integer. ( i have try all the possibilite in xconfif with no succes) I start Xconfigurator in the %post and i would like make somme modification in /etc/X11/XF86Config . my %post look like : %post /usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator --kickstart ed /etc/X11/XF86Config << FIN /1360 s/1360/1368 w q FIN # end %post But ed is finished before Xconfigurator , and of course my modifications is lost. Thank you for your help. Roland