On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:01:55AM -0800, Alvin Cabrera wrote: > is it possible to have the ks.cfg on a bootable cd so it would automatically > be read? i was thinking of possibly using this method to do a large scale > canned installed without relying on user input or network support. the > floppy isn't an option since the systems won't have one. any ideas on how > to proceed to combine a floppy boot disk and the first rh7.0 cd? thanks in > advance. > > alvin Alvin, I have made such CDs using RH6.2; the same method _might_ work for RH7.0. Here are the details on how I did it: 0. Make the kickstart config file (ks.cfg), configured just the way you want it. 1. Mount "boot.img" somewhere, thusly: mount -o loop -t msdos boot.img /mnt/floppy 2. Uncompress /mnt/floppy/initrd.img, thusly: gunzip < /mnt/floppy/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd 3. Mount this initrd image (it is ext2): mount -o loop -t ext2 /tmp/initrd /mnt/initrd ( /mnt/initrd needs to be created, if it doesn't exist) 4. Copy your "ks.cfg" into /mnt/initrd: cp ks.cfg /mnt/initrd 5. Unmount this initial ramdisk: umount /mnt/initrd 6. Compress it: gzip -9 /tmp/initrd (remember, /tmp/initrd is from step 2) 7. Copy the compressed initrd.gz image onto the boot image: cp /tmp/initrd.gz /mnt/floppy/initrd.img (/mnt/floppy is from step 1) 8. Edit the file "syslinux.cfg" on the boot image, and tell it to kickstart right away: vi /mnt/floppy/syslinux.cfg (my syslinux.cfg is given at the end of this message) 9. Unmount this boot image: umount /mnt/floppy 10.Make a new bootable CDROM: mkisofs -a -J -R -b images/boot.img -c images/boot.cat -l -L -v -o /path/to/somewhere/redhat62.iso . ------------------ syslinux.cfg file: default ks prompt 0 display boot.msg label ks kernel vmlinuz append ks=file:/ks.cfg initrd=initrd.img local text ------------------ Of course, "boot.msg" is also modified suitably to print the appropriate messages. Ajay