On 07/28/2009 02:00 PM, makkalot wrote:
Poll for output in Minions: This implementation is a result of an idea that was post on ML a few weeks ago. The main idea was to be able to get some output during the minion side execution. The idea maybe useful for tasks which are kind of long and user wants to get some notification about what is going on on the other side. Because we are talking about long running operations that stuff is reasonable only for async stuff. Here is some example of tracking a long operation on overlord :
Yup, doing this only for async makes perfect sense to me (and I have no idea how to do it otherwise ;->)
[root@acerfedora func]# func "*" call --logpoll --async echo run_str_log "eeeeee" Logging data is initializing ... ------HOST : acerfedora ------- 2009-07-28 20:06:55,013 - 1248800814.958679-minion - INFO - Starting counting logger ... ------HOST : acerfedora ------- 2009-07-28 20:08:00,034 - 1248800814.958679-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 0 ------HOST : acerfedora ------- 2009-07-28 20:08:05,033 - 1248800814.958679-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 1 ------HOST : acerfedora ------- 2009-07-28 20:08:10,034 - 1248800814.958679-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 2 ------HOST : acerfedora ------- 2009-07-28 20:08:15,034 - 1248800814.958679-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 3 That example is for lots of machines (overlord spec) but polling output seems more reasonable for doing it for an one host :
Indeed. Output for multiple minions reporting seems like it would be a mess. I could see where it has it's uses (mostly just eyeballing whats going on) but it looks like it would be hard to do much with it.
[root@acerfedora func]# func "*" call --nopoll --async echo run_str_log "eeeeee" JOB_ID: '*-echo-run_str_log-1248802501.952774' [root@acerfedora func]# [root@acerfedora func]# func "*" call --logone="acerfedora" "*-echo- run_str_log-1248802501.952774" 2009-07-28 20:35:02,318 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Starting counting logger ... 2009-07-28 20:36:07,318 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 0 2009-07-28 20:36:12,317 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 1 2009-07-28 20:36:17,317 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 2 2009-07-28 20:36:22,317 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 3 2009-07-28 20:36:27,318 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 4 2009-07-28 20:36:32,318 - 1248802502.256377-minion - INFO - Calling method with counter is 5 .
Making a method to have trackable output : It is pretty easy let see it on an example : a method in echo module : def run_str_log(self,command): import time self.run_str_log.logger.info("Starting counting logger ...") time.sleep(60) for i in range(100): time.sleep(5) self.run_str_log.logger.info("Calling method with counter is %d"%i) return command By default every method in minion modules is attached with a standart logger instance.To reach the log instance what you need is calling self.method.logger and you have all the stuff in a standart logging.
One thing we might be able to do on some methods is progress report. Certainly can't do it with all methods, but some you should be able to. Maybe argument the logging call with a param for progress (ie, I'm at 123 of 354).
Python API : To poll logs on minion side with API : In [1]: from func.overlord.client import Overlord In [2]: fc = Overlord("*",async=True) In [3]: j=fc.echo.run_str_log("blip") In [4]: j Out[4]: '*-echo-run_str_log-1248802917.3343029' In [5]: fc.tail_log(j) Out[5]: ({'acerfedora': ['2009-07-28 20:41:57,572 - 1248802917.536685-minion - INFO - Starting counting logger ...\n', '']}, False) About how to make that code useful in your applications you should take a look into overlord/cmd_modules/call.py Also you can poll a single machine if you need , which maybe useful in webapps or some other stuff. In [6]: fc = Overlord("*",async=True) In [7]: j=fc.echo.run_str_log("blip") In [8]: fc.tail_log(j,host="acerfedora") Out[8]: ({'acerfedora': ['2009-07-28 20:43:45,233 - 1248803025.1892841-minion - INFO - Starting counting logger ...\n', '']}, False) In [9]:
Looks good to me. Adrian _______________________________________________ Func-list mailing list Func-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/func-list