esimmonds wrote:
First of all, let me compliment the dev team. Func is a great program.
1. The "--skip" feature lets us skip one or more machines using
globbing within the larger range
Hmm, yup, no "skip" functionality at the moment, but I like the idea.
2. The globbing supports {} Shell expansion, not just * wildcarding.
I have not been able to duplicate this globbing within Func. We can
see all kinds of potential uses for Func here to replace or complement
Rgang, but I'd sure like to see both of these globbing features
available in Func. The group feature (/etc/func/groups) is probably
not a good workaround because we are often running this on hundreds or
thousands of machines at a time on an adhoc basis.
Is there a way with the current Func to achieve similar functionality
in Func, or is this something the dev team would consider
implementing? By the way, anyone interested in rgang can look here:
I like that idea too. It would be nice if fnmatch did that itself, but
I'll see if I can find a better implementation.
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