Hi guys,
I've just made some tests with func delegation. It works very well...
but I think there's a little thing to control.
In my test I'm using, as usual, my notebook as certmaster and func
client, and two virtual machines.
bcmmornati -> bcmmornati
-> fedora8-a -> fedora8-b
Fedora8-a is a client for bcmmornati machine and certmaster for
fedora8-b. When I try to call map generator it recognizes correctly the
hierarchy of fedora8 machines:
{'FC8-A': {'FC8-B': {}}
but it returnes a connection timeout on bcmmornati machine.
What I think is that it enters in a loop of calls, because bcmmornati is
minion and then is a certmaster and then minion, and so on... moreover
I've a huge number of funcd process started after that call for map
generator (I don't know why... probably each call restart func?).
So I think we need to check this little situation because could be
useful to control using func also the certmaster machine.
Anyway... very very good job Steven!! :)
Steven Salevan wrote:
Blorg, it looks like the patch got corrupted in that e-mail. Here's a
url to a (hopefully uncorrupted) patch:
-Steve Salevan
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