Hi Adrian,
I don't know which problem have you found. What I see during
func-transmit tests is that we cannot call func using list for client
and parameters.
Michael said (on IRC I think) that we must change client.py, and don't
know which other class, to get func working with this type of
"parameters"... at the moment I've made a patch inside func-java api, so
java can call without problem func-transmit and all work correctly.
I've planned to change (I hope today, but I need to make some mods in
opensymbolic too) func-transmit to make it working with json too (java
does not work correctly with yaml... or yaml versions are not the same,
between java and python), and probably XML.
I'll take care that current implementation will work with "json
modifies"... so your tests will work without problem (ex. default
language, if you don't send to func-transmit your language choose, will
be yaml).
Adrian Likins wrote:
I ran into some problems trying to use func-transmit, so there are
some test cases and minor here:
Not sure if those would break the work Marco is doing at the moment,
so posted here for
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Dott. Ing. Mornati Marco
Byte-Code s.r.l
via Antonio Cechov, 1
San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
E-Mail: mmornati@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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