To anyone working on Func -- some annoying but necessary software
engineering points.
We've expanded the Func commit pool just so we can have more people
around to commit patches. With that, we still need to be careful.
Our goal is to have func as checked out from git *always* work. To be
fair, that's not always going to happen, and that's ok.
Still though, there are some things we can do to keep that working.
Now that we have test infrastructure in "tests", *please* run all the
tests and exercise the sample apps (like func-inventory) before you
commit changes or
submit a new patch. It's all too easy to forget something and break
func-inventory or the battery finder example or FuncWeb for instance,
because you're
not aware of the impacted changes.
There's already a tests directory full of things, and if there are
deficiencies in those tests we should extend them.
If the test scripts don't work for you, we should fix them as a first
Do I think every module needs unit tests right away? Not really.
Eventually? Maybe.
A couple of things I found recently:
-- func-inventory got broken by the new "hierarchy in modules" patch
(fairly simple)
-- Func get restarted by service inventory() method since it's init
script is apparently busted
-- RPMs didn't build
-- etc
Anyhow, I'm finding this out now so I'm not releasing yet until this can
get all tested and cleaned up.
The lesser known corners of Func are obviously lesser known, but that's
why we have tests.
So, step #1 for everyone -- verify that the tests that are there work
for you and you know where they all are. If they don't work or don't
cover an important aspect of Func, let's fix em.
Also if you are implementing anything non-trivial or interesting,
talking about it on the list can't hurt.
Code breaks happen, that's cool, just wanted to start being a bit more
careful about that sort of thing and remind everyone
that we have tests.
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