Re: Fedora Planet

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On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:05:23PM +0000, Luke Sheldrick wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,


Thanks for your post. I'm replying with my scant knowledge and
opinion; this email address goes to a team of folks, most of whom have
way more knowledge than me, as well as more worthy opinions, so read
my reply as just some thoughts on the situation.

> Anyway you guys can filter the planet, maybe a separate RSS feed, for
> just English blogs?

The Fedora planet is self-service, in that contributors add
themselves to the one planet.

It seems to me that we would have to go back to each person to
identify a separate, language-specific planet in their
configuration. Otherwise, we'd have to write some automagic in the
planet application to detect languages?

So, we could create an "English only" planet/feed and ask that people
add themselves to that, as well. It would grow slowly over time. Some
people who write in multiple languages in a single post could use for
their English containing posts. But it looks to be a lot of work to do
a split manually without contributor intervention.

> Most other planets have dedicated foreign language planets, whilst I
> don't totally agree with this, I'm also spending a lot of time skipping
> past blogs I can't read on the Fedora Planet...

Just as a point of difference, I enjoy the multiple languages and
seeing what others are up to even if I can't read the post. Often I
can get a gist of what the subject is about, from personal photography
to an app review. Sometimes I see a post that looks interesting enough
to get auto-translated for further reading.

From previous discussions of this topic, there are people who are
put-off by the multiple languages, and there are those who are
not. Short of adding automagic language filtering in planet itself, I
don't see a way to make both groups happy. We're already pretty far
down the pathway we have now, so we have to ponder if it's worth the
non-trivial effort?

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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