I took Máirín's Fedora Accounts page mockup
(http://duffy.fedorapeople.org/webdesign/FAS/fas-2_reskin.png) and
applied some changes:
'Tasks' and 'My Groups Summary'
- A grey value hierarchy defines the section boxes.
- A light grey background makes this content secondary to the main content.
- Lines and bullets are removed.
- Content is indented to make section headers scanable.
- Numeric data is in a right-aligned column, using a single font size
and style.
- Type hierarchy:
Box Header (larger font size, bold)
Section Header (standard font size, bold)
content (standard font size, indented)
"More..." links (standard font size, italic)
'Account Status' and 'Pending Requests'
- Headers use a larger font size to indicate main content.
- 'Account Status' content is a larger font size to indicate primary info.
- Secondary links are a standard font size and in brackets.
- Box borders and vertical chart lines are removed to simplify sections.
- Icons are simplified.
Search area
- "Search" is moved to the input field, to be replaced by query.
- Elements are reordered for context.
- "Advanced Search" is aligned left. Users can quickly choose between
regular or advanced search from the start.
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