Re: open account requests

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Mike McGrath wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2008, Nicu Buculei wrote:

Mike McGrath wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2008, Nicu Buculei wrote:

Mike McGrath wrote:
There is a join message for each group but I think not many people use
How can one group customize this join message?
The group admins can alter a field in the account system called "Join
That explains all, Mo and me are only sponsors and can't edit the message (or
view a mention about it). Probably this is why we are not using it :p ...and
the same may be true for other groups too.

It was mentioned to me that you may be talking about an application
message.  Right now that message only goes out _after_ someone has
actually been approved in the group.

This is a common failing IMHO as well.  Lots of users think that all they
have to do is show up and apply in a group and they're in the team and the
fact is that the account system is a side affect of being on a team, not
the actual way to be on a team.
I've tried to explain over and over that you don't need an FAS account 
to modify the wiki nor to create artwork, but people still send in many, 
many requests to be added to the art group. It doesn't make sense to me.

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