feeds mock-up for front page

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Recently I took the task of getting a few feeds hosted on the front page
of fedoraproject.org.  To do that I opened a ticket[1], learned that the
code is available to do this, and here are mock-ups of what that could
look like:

  ^-- (actual updated content and CSS in use above)

The design is a bit of a strawman, in that it is there for you to spring
other ideas from and don't worry about tearing it down; I see problems
with it but I'm not going to tweak it any further at this point.  I was
originally thinking of stacking the feeds in a side bar, but I figured
we could sneak it in and lose 60% of the 120 pixels of whitespace from
the bottom of the #content area and not squeeze the page horizontally.

Any objection to the idea of putting some feeds that are specifically
useful to Fedorans on the fedoraproject.org front page?

What do you think about adding these to start.fedoraproject.org?

Any ideas about how to address this for translations?  In the ticket[1]
I suggest:

        > My only concern would be how that will work with non-English 
        > translations.
        That's a good question. I know Red Hat Magazine experimented
        with the Google auto-translation links Wordpress plugin, and it
        didn't go over so well. Having this content in English on
        translated pages ... is that rude? Or better than nothing?
        What I'd like to try is this:
        1. Come up with a stacked design so we can have separate feeds
        reading in rather than jamming them all into one
        2. Put up the RSS feed pull code and start displaying the feeds
Thanks - Karsten

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/357
Karsten Wade, Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
gpg key : AD0E0C41

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