Pablo Barrera Franco [Shock! Fedora] wrote:
Hi all,
probably it's a marketing concern, but i think we must find the way to
be more " intuitive" for newcoemers to the site. Even for Linuxers
Wiki is a common thing, for other newcommers some times could be a
little bit " complicated" drive a wiki. My proposal walks around to
create a CMS for the frontend of the project, with faqs,five language
options, direct links to docs, howtos, faqs,etc. Probably Joomla could
be an interesting option for a "institutional frontend", the wiki can
run behind it. If somebody doesnt know joomla take a look at
or, for more information.
I can colaborate on the uploading and configuration for the CMS, if
someone can help with templates and CSS we will find to be more nice
for the outside.
Yes. The need for a CMS is well known. See
and We have decided to try
staging Zope+Plone. If you are interested in helping out in this effort,
let us know. Thank you for your interest.
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