== Present == ArthurPemberton BobJensen DianaFong HrishikeshBallal IgnacioVazquezAbrams PatrickBarnes RahulSundaram ThomasChung == Notes == * The fedoraproject.org transition We're making fedoraproject.org the primary Fedora site. We now have a note on fedora.redhat.com. This move is being conducted because of the success of fedoraproject.org in surpassing fedora.redhat.com as a robust and up-to-date Fedora resource. The remaining static content from fedora.redhat.com we want moved to fedoraproject.org in our upcoming CMS solution. * CMS Decision We need to select a CMS solution to use on fedoraproject.org to handle more static content and documents we want on a real workflow. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/CMS has details covering current thinking. If we can discuss this on-list and come to agreement on the direction we want to move, we'll begin setting up for testing. Zope+Plone seems to be gaining preference. We may also want to include a gallery add-on until a real solution for art.fedoraproject.org is ready. If we don't want Plone, we can use Zope 3 instead of Zope 2, which has performance and future-proof advantages. See the above listed page for more information; send feedback to the list. * Gallery ArthurPemberton will be working on implementing an artwork gallery for art.fedoraproject.org, using DianaFong's designs as a reference for the appearance. This will likely involve a lot of work, so volunteers are welcome to help. Until this is ready, we'd like to come up with a temporary solution in our CMS. If we select a solid framework for our CMS, Arthur could work within that to save some work. * Weekly Report BobJensen and HrishikeshBallal have agreed to take up writing the Websites weekly report. They're both very busy, so any other volunteers are welcome to step up and offer assistance. * Fedora Journal RahulSundaram has introduced fedorajournal.org, which is to provide a resource for Fedora similar to Red Hat Magazine. He hopes to bring this under the Fedora Project umbrella and coordinate this effort with some of the other news efforts. In a bit of an uncharacteristic display, `EvilBob` grew a heart and wished everyone a happy new year to end our story. Well, Bob, happy new year to you, too. Thank you all for your participation and interest. Details for our next meeting can be found at http://fedoraproject.org/Websites/Meetings -- I know that many of you couldn't work with the time we had chosen. If we would like to rotate times (which I think would be a nice idea), let's quickly discuss what kind of a rotation would work best for everyone. attachment:websites-meeting-2006-01-17.log -- Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes nman64@xxxxxxxxx http://www.n-man.com/ -- Have I been helpful? Rate my assistance! http://rate.affero.net/nman64/
Jan 17 13:07:05 nman64 <meeting> Jan 17 13:07:15 nman64 Welcome, everyone, to the first Fedora Websites meeting. Jan 17 13:07:28 nman64 We'll start off by touching on the small number of items on the agenda: Jan 17 13:07:31 dfong cool...should I be cc-ing DoubleOTeC? Jan 17 13:07:38 nman64 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Schedule Jan 17 13:07:46 pembo13 dfong: I think yes Jan 17 13:08:01 nman64 1. Better publicity on the fedoraproject.org transition. Jan 17 13:08:10 mether pembo13, why dont we get everyone subscribed to the list instead Jan 17 13:08:35 nman64 This was originally brought up on fedora-list. A few people were left wondering what had happened after the fedora.redhat.com change in early December. Jan 17 13:08:36 pembo13 mether, DoubleOTeC is subscribed to the list, to the best of my knowledge Jan 17 13:08:59 nman64 We've since updated fedora.redhat.com to include a note about the change. Jan 17 13:09:18 * quaid is lurking, too, mether Jan 17 13:09:19 nman64 For anyone who is wondering, the decision has been made to transition to fedoraproject.org as the main site. Jan 17 13:09:34 nman64 We've already mostly accomplished that. Jan 17 13:09:44 pembo13 nman64: out of cruiousity, what promted the move? Jan 17 13:09:54 tchung nman64, any target date yet? Jan 17 13:10:06 nman64 The transition is largely due to the outstanding success in bringing new content into the wiki. Jan 17 13:10:24 nman64 It now serves as a more complete and up-to-date source of information than fedora.redhat.com ever was. Jan 17 13:10:34 pembo13 ok great Jan 17 13:10:56 nman64 This is largely an 'as we can' type of transition, so no final target date has been set to say 'it's done.'. Jan 17 13:11:20 nman64 This will be an ongoing effort for sometime, and is largely depended upon our next item. Jan 17 13:11:50 nman64 2. Decide on a CMS. Jan 17 13:12:12 nman64 We want to set up a new CMS on the fedoraproject.org site, to compliment the wiki. Jan 17 13:12:34 tchung so, it will not replace current wiki? Jan 17 13:12:36 nman64 We want something that can serve more static content with a more defined workflow. Jan 17 13:12:40 nman64 No, it won't Jan 17 13:13:10 nman64 If, in the distant future, the CMS happens to replace most/all content on the wiki, then the wiki might be dropped, but this is not currently the goal. Jan 17 13:13:16 mether ok one thing that I havent understood Jan 17 13:13:36 mether what is preventing us from setting a redirect from f.r.c Jan 17 13:13:41 mether to fedoraproject.org immediately Jan 17 13:13:57 nman64 We want static content that can be easily frozen for translation, and doesn't change much. Jan 17 13:14:00 mether and then link back to f.r.c cvs and other stuff where appropriate Jan 17 13:14:12 mether instead of presenting Jan 17 13:14:16 nman64 fedora.redhat.com provides the most critical information in a manner that is very easy to keep ahead of. Jan 17 13:14:16 mether two different web sites Jan 17 13:14:35 nman64 We want to do a better job of this, and that is part of where the CMS comes in. Jan 17 13:14:39 mether so there is a obsolute necessity to choose a cms before the move? Jan 17 13:15:01 nman64 We need to have a way to manage the static content properly on fedoraproject.org before the move can take place. Jan 17 13:15:12 mether ok Jan 17 13:15:23 mether so we are translating the web site itself in f.r.c Jan 17 13:15:28 nman64 We also don't want to completely uproot fedora.redhat.com without having a replacement for it. Jan 17 13:15:38 nman64 mether: That is the idea we're trying to enable, yes. Jan 17 13:15:39 mether what static content is being needed specifically? Jan 17 13:15:46 quaid updating f.r.c sucks Jan 17 13:15:49 quaid why carry suckage over? Jan 17 13:16:14 nman64 Enough content to describe what Fedora is, to allow users to access Fedora materials and releases, and to point users to the most valuable resources. Jan 17 13:16:37 mether besides a mirror list and some cvs stuff whats the hold back here? Jan 17 13:16:49 quaid we also need to consider that some links on f.r.c have googlejuice and can't be redirected to the top of fp.o so easily Jan 17 13:17:05 quaid s/some/many/ Jan 17 13:17:16 mether do we have a list of them? Jan 17 13:17:32 quaid Results 1 - 10 of about 7,630 linking to CI9CpbgWO6UJ:fedora.redhat.com/ Jan 17 13:17:34 mether we already broke many links in f.r.c to my understanding Jan 17 13:17:40 nman64 There are also certain infrastructure concerns there. We really want something new and better for fedoraproject.org, we don't want to move the infrastructure we currently have. Jan 17 13:18:04 mether ok. so moving on Jan 17 13:18:12 mether what are the considerations for the cms systems Jan 17 13:18:19 mether what options are available in python Jan 17 13:18:22 nman64 There is a page set up to track various suggestions: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/CMS Jan 17 13:18:40 nman64 All requested features, suggestions, tips, feedback, etc. should be dumped there. Jan 17 13:18:45 ignacio|School Let's drop PyLucid. It doesn't look anywhere near ready. Jan 17 13:18:55 mether looks like zope is the only option there nman64 Jan 17 13:18:57 tchung Is everything except durpal based on python? Jan 17 13:19:02 mether tchung, yes Jan 17 13:19:26 mether custom tools are not scalable Jan 17 13:19:28 nman64 We don't need to open the PHP vs. Python discussion, but Python is by far the preferred solution. Jan 17 13:19:39 mether either it is zope+plone - 2 Jan 17 13:19:42 mether or zope 3 Jan 17 13:19:50 mether thats the discussion we need to have. right? Jan 17 13:19:53 pembo13 nman64: I aggree in that choosing a language and sticking to it is the best way Jan 17 13:19:57 nman64 The only advantage of Zope 2 is Plone. Jan 17 13:20:15 nman64 If we don't want Plone, we want Zope 3. Jan 17 13:20:48 tchung I'm sorry, I'm familiar with Plone. What does it do? Jan 17 13:20:57 nman64 Discussion so far has been leaning in the direction of Zope, since Drupal differs from the technologies we currently use and has certain concerns, and the other Python solutions are just flat insufficient. Jan 17 13:20:58 tchung sorry I meant "I'm NOT" Jan 17 13:21:05 nman64 http://www.plone.org/ Jan 17 13:21:09 ignacio|School Alright, must jet. Later. Jan 17 13:21:14 nman64 It is a complete CMS framework built on Zope. Jan 17 13:21:32 * ignacio|School has quit ("Next time, meeting more than 30 minutes before class, please...") Jan 17 13:21:48 mether ok nman64 are you familiar with zope 2+ plone as well as zope 3 Jan 17 13:22:06 mether who is installing + maintaining fedoraproject.org cms stuff Jan 17 13:22:06 nman64 mether: I am more familiar with Zope 2 and Plone than with Zope 3. ;-) Jan 17 13:22:07 mether going ahead? Jan 17 13:22:19 mether who owns fedoraproject.org now? Jan 17 13:22:31 nman64 We now have control of the fedoraproject.org DNS. Jan 17 13:22:54 nman64 The box that powers it is still under Seth Vidal's control, but he is working to allow access through the Account System. Jan 17 13:23:02 EvilBob fp.o is owned by the foundation Jan 17 13:23:25 nman64 We have a new box that fedoraproject.org is going to be moved to, and we are looking at combining that move and the CMS set up in one process to make things move more smoothly. Jan 17 13:23:52 mether fedoraproject.org is hosted in which place currently? is it going to move over into RH infrastructure? Jan 17 13:24:08 nman64 It is currently hosted with Seth's boxes at Duke. Jan 17 13:24:34 mether and is it going to remain the same? do we have any external backups? Jan 17 13:24:36 nman64 The hardware will, I believe, remain there, but the Fedora Infrastructure team will have control of it. Jan 17 13:25:00 nman64 s/will/does/ Jan 17 13:25:27 nman64 The backup solution we use will probably be partially based upon what technology solutions we use. Jan 17 13:25:43 mether are there plans to have external site backups? Jan 17 13:25:45 nman64 Generally speaking, the unique components of the assorted Fedora systems are managed in CVS. Jan 17 13:26:11 nman64 That CVS repository serves as a central point for management and backups. Jan 17 13:26:23 * cygnus2936 (n=cygnus29@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-websites Jan 17 13:26:27 quaid is that a requirement on the CMS, to operate with CVS? Jan 17 13:26:31 nman64 In addition, critical components are backed up on a regular basis. Jan 17 13:26:57 nman64 quaid: No. Jan 17 13:27:18 nman64 We will manage it in whatever manner we have to. Jan 17 13:27:23 quaid shouldn't it be? Jan 17 13:27:38 quaid we would then have two sources of content, the CMS database and CVS Jan 17 13:27:44 nman64 quaid: That is among the alternate possibilities for our needs. Jan 17 13:27:50 mether quaid, its desirable i guess but not a mandate I believe Jan 17 13:27:50 quaid why not just one? the CMS could use the versioning control of the SCM Jan 17 13:28:11 mether nman64, does plone have any capabilities to do scm stuff? Jan 17 13:28:27 nman64 Zope has version management abilities. Jan 17 13:28:42 nman64 Plone inherits those aspects from Zope. Jan 17 13:28:47 quaid sure, that's part of the definition of a CMS Jan 17 13:28:50 tchung quaid, found it at http://plone.org/documentation/tutorial/best-practices/source-code-management/?searchterm=scm Jan 17 13:29:28 mether nman64, so who is going to do the actual installation of cms in the fp.org box Jan 17 13:29:35 nman64 Both Zope and Plone each support extension through 'Products' to add new capabilities or change existing function.s Jan 17 13:29:42 * StillBob has quit (No route to host) Jan 17 13:29:50 nman64 mether: Members of the Infrastructure team, likely including myself. Jan 17 13:30:22 mether nman64, who else is in the infrastructure team Jan 17 13:30:53 mether nman64, if we are selecting a cms, the familiarity of the cms systems to the infrastructure team is the primary consideration IMO Jan 17 13:31:00 nman64 Many of the most familiar faces. Elliot Lee, Seth Vidal, Mike McGrath, Luke Macken, and several others. Jan 17 13:31:18 mether if the infrastructure team clearly favors a particular cms system Jan 17 13:31:25 mether then the choice is already made there Jan 17 13:31:59 mether in fact why dont we combine the websites and infrastructure meetings? Jan 17 13:32:01 nman64 Within Infrastructure's talent pool, quite a few options are available, including Zope 2/3 and Plone, Drupal, generic CVS systems, etc. Jan 17 13:32:05 tchung it sounds like the decision should be made by them than us. Jan 17 13:32:13 mether tchung, precisely Jan 17 13:32:23 pembo13 agreed Jan 17 13:32:39 nman64 The Infrastructure team is ready to handle whatever is requested, so we get to say 'this has what we need, we want it.' Jan 17 13:32:44 mether we go on a tangent and tell them to install some stuff they are not familiar with, its not going to help Jan 17 13:33:01 mether they do the work required. they get to decide what is what Jan 17 13:33:29 quaid tchung: that tutorial just discusses how to use an SCM when doing development on Plone code Jan 17 13:33:45 nman64 Elliot and I agreed to give this decision to Websites. The talent is there to handle any of the options discussed so far. Jan 17 13:33:59 tchung quaid, ok. as I said I'm not familar with Plone. Jan 17 13:34:24 mether nman64, so how much is the advantage of using plone over plain zope? Jan 17 13:34:37 mether nman64, is the data stored in databases or plain text Jan 17 13:34:42 nman64 Plone has more complete CMS capabilities than just Zope does. Jan 17 13:34:46 mether can you summarise this stuff briefly Jan 17 13:35:13 nman64 Zope provides a complete virtual filesystem, using assorted content types, that handle all things internal to Zope. Jan 17 13:35:43 nman64 Effectively, the information is in a database, but that data can be accessed in a manner similar to if it were in plain text. Jan 17 13:36:10 nman64 To the end-user, there is no difference, of course. Jan 17 13:36:30 nman64 Plone provides a complete WYSIWYG editor, and a plain HTML editor. Jan 17 13:36:50 nman64 It is also equipped with a "safe HTML" converter, to avoid certain kinds of abuse. Jan 17 13:36:55 tchung nman64, yes we need good editor. Jan 17 13:37:12 mether ok Jan 17 13:37:14 nman64 You can also use 'External Editor' options, which allow you to use client-side tools. Jan 17 13:37:25 pembo13 this may or may not be possible right now, but I think it would be a good idea to have a CMS solution that can be converted to an offline download which could be included in the FC isos Jan 17 13:37:28 mether so if we decide to use zope+ plone now how hard is it to migrate later? Jan 17 13:37:42 mether to zope 3 or get the raw content out of the system Jan 17 13:37:47 mether for another cms system Jan 17 13:37:50 nman64 The content of the pages is raw HTML, and can be extracted easily. Jan 17 13:38:03 mether so we have a easy opt out? Jan 17 13:38:09 nman64 Yes. Jan 17 13:38:13 mether ok Jan 17 13:38:22 mether how hard is migrating from zope 2 to zope 3 Jan 17 13:38:32 mether any ideas on that Jan 17 13:38:47 nman64 While I have not yet conducted such a migration, I have been informed that it is very easy. Jan 17 13:39:09 nman64 If Plone were to become available for Zope 3, it would likely be a simple process to upgrade. Jan 17 13:39:19 mether ok. cool. Jan 17 13:39:33 pembo13 sorry, i have to leave for a class in 5 minutes Jan 17 13:39:45 mether are there are any art gallery modules for zope 2+ plone Jan 17 13:39:54 mether pembo13, thats fine. we can follow up on list anytime Jan 17 13:39:57 pembo13 mether, not that I have found as yet Jan 17 13:39:59 mether pembo13, do read the meeting mins Jan 17 13:40:04 tchung so far, we are toward zope 2 + plone then later we upgrade to zope 3 when plone is supported. Jan 17 13:40:06 pembo13 will leave my irc client on Jan 17 13:40:11 mether pembo13, ok Jan 17 13:40:32 mether ok what advantages does zope 3 has over zope 2? Jan 17 13:40:33 nman64 I am not sure what true gallery options are available, but Plone has some nice photo management abilities. Jan 17 13:40:58 nman64 Zope 3 has a more advanced interface system (for development) and is the newer technology. Jan 17 13:41:07 pembo13 nman64: art.fedoraproject.org requires a bit more that just a gallery app IMHO, i may be wrong Jan 17 13:41:15 mether nman64, how much development time has zope 3 over zope 2 Jan 17 13:41:22 nman64 It should be faster and more scalable, but I'm not aware of any distinct advantages that would sway me. Jan 17 13:41:32 mether pembo13, thats true. I am talking about temporary solutions here Jan 17 13:41:36 nman64 Zope 3's initial release was in summer '05. Jan 17 13:41:40 pembo13 mether, just had to clarify Jan 17 13:42:02 mether nman64, can we stage up zope 2+ plone+ a gallery module now and then see how well it works for a week or so Jan 17 13:42:07 mether before doing the transition Jan 17 13:42:31 nman64 We could probably manage that. Jan 17 13:42:36 mether i want to check this out and use it for a while Jan 17 13:42:41 mether and then see how well it works Jan 17 13:42:44 mether before moving over Jan 17 13:42:52 mether Bob-Laptop, what is the cms that you were using? Jan 17 13:42:58 mether Bob-Laptop, joomla right?. Jan 17 13:43:09 mether we better stay away from that, whatever it is ;-) Jan 17 13:43:22 nman64 I'm really hoping we can get some discussion going on-list and come to a decision on what we want to try for the next meeting, after which we will start setting up for testing. Jan 17 13:43:35 mether there is no other people Jan 17 13:43:39 mether involved in the discussion nman64 Jan 17 13:43:42 EvilBob mether: right now yes Jan 17 13:43:43 nman64 Bob* is experimenting with Zope+Plone for Fedora Unity now. Jan 17 13:43:51 nman64 I helped him get it set up last night. ;-) Jan 17 13:43:56 mether we stage it now, check it for a week or two Jan 17 13:43:56 EvilBob mether: we will be moving to zope+plone Jan 17 13:44:02 mether and go for it Jan 17 13:44:16 mether post the meeting mins and rationale now and get started IMO Jan 17 13:44:47 pembo13 guys, i have to leave now, I will be leaving my irc client on so I can readup when i get back, peace Jan 17 13:44:58 mether pembo13, we are almost done. good bye Jan 17 13:45:08 nman64 I'll bring the results of this meeting up for Infrastructure's review. Jan 17 13:45:14 nman64 Let's move on. Jan 17 13:45:25 nman64 3. Find a gallery solution Jan 17 13:45:41 mether pembo13, is working on Jan 17 13:45:43 nman64 If we can come up with something in our CMS, that would be nice. Jan 17 13:45:45 tchung looks like we only have one candidate Jan 17 13:45:57 mether my idea is to set up a gallery module in place Jan 17 13:46:02 nman64 Indeed. Jan 17 13:46:05 mether till pembo13 comes up with a alternative Jan 17 13:46:17 mether we dont want to hang out on this forever Jan 17 13:46:30 EvilBob sorry I got pulled in to a meeting here so I will have to read the log Jan 17 13:46:36 nman64 If original development is to be done, we could probably also do that on the Zope framework to integrate the two. Jan 17 13:46:41 mether I would like to see some project activity and community contest on the artwork for the next release Jan 17 13:46:44 mether of FC6 Jan 17 13:46:45 tchung Let's set Target Date for CMS decision Jan 17 13:47:01 mether we didnt have time to do it for FC5 and dfong did the work which turned out very well Jan 17 13:47:22 mether but we need more active community involvement going forward and a gallery module is key part of this effort Jan 17 13:47:37 nman64 tchung: Consider it the next meeting. After testing, we can discuss further. Jan 17 13:47:49 nman64 mether: I agree. Jan 17 13:48:00 mether tchung, one week of testing. decide on next meet. Jan 17 13:48:02 tchung nman64, can you update the wiki? Jan 17 13:48:22 nman64 I'll be doing some full updating to the Websites wiki later today. Jan 17 13:48:31 mether is there anything else left to talk?, do others have a few more mins to spare? Jan 17 13:48:31 tchung ok Jan 17 13:48:47 nman64 That concludes our agenda, so the floor is open. Jan 17 13:48:52 tchung I'll be around until 12:00 pm PST Jan 17 13:48:53 mether I would like to discuss a couple of other stuff if you guys have time Jan 17 13:48:53 EvilBob I just got here, trying to read the buffer Jan 17 13:48:59 mether Ok Jan 17 13:49:01 mether one thing that I want somoene in this team to do is write up weekly reports for websites and infrastructure teams Jan 17 13:49:18 mether We have this effort on place - > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/WeeklyReports Jan 17 13:49:33 mether and I want regular weekly reports from all the sub projects in Fedora Jan 17 13:49:34 tchung Well, I nominate nman64 :) Jan 17 13:50:10 tchung since he's on both team. Jan 17 13:50:11 nman64 tchung: My plate is full. I'd be happy to act as a backup, but I'd like to see another volunteer step forward on this. Jan 17 13:50:16 mether what i expect is expanded here Jan 17 13:50:17 mether https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-docs-list/2006-January/msg00091.html Jan 17 13:50:39 cygnus2936 i can do it in a bit Jan 17 13:50:40 nman64 I'll solicit for an Infrastructure volunteer. Jan 17 13:50:45 cygnus2936 i am in the process of moving Jan 17 13:50:55 cygnus2936 but once my net is setup, i can help Jan 17 13:51:25 EvilBob nman64: I can author if you are feeding the info also Jan 17 13:52:07 nman64 Thanks, guys. Jan 17 13:52:21 nman64 We'll take that further on-list. Jan 17 13:52:21 EvilBob cygnus2936: want to see what we can do together? Jan 17 13:52:27 cygnus2936 sure Jan 17 13:52:30 mether cygnus2936, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/WeeklyReports/Template Jan 17 13:52:33 mether EvilBob, Jan 17 13:52:36 mether see this template Jan 17 13:52:41 mether sign up as report authors Jan 17 13:52:42 EvilBob mether: will do Jan 17 13:52:58 mether you can start writing the report anytime you want Jan 17 13:53:06 mether i just need a string freeze every friday Jan 17 13:53:09 mether published on monday Jan 17 13:53:22 cygnus2936 it will be atleast 10 days.. till then it will be a bit patchy Jan 17 13:53:24 EvilBob reports due on friday published monday...I can deal with that Jan 17 13:53:27 mether we already have the next report going on Jan 17 13:53:29 mether http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/WeeklyReports/2005-Jan-23 Jan 17 13:53:39 tchung mether, I'll save a section on FWN for WeeklyReports. :) Jan 17 13:53:48 mether so go ahead and add your details anytime Jan 17 13:53:51 mether either daily Jan 17 13:53:55 mether or before friday Jan 17 13:53:57 EvilBob cygnus2936: I will do what I can until you are available and they we will team up Jan 17 13:54:16 mether report writers should have their introductory pages clear Jan 17 13:54:24 mether you will most likely contacted by others Jan 17 13:54:38 cygnus2936 sure Jan 17 13:54:40 mether atleast have a email id but other details are good to have Jan 17 13:54:41 cygnus2936 thats sounds good Jan 17 13:55:09 nman64 mether: Any other topics you wanted to cover before we close this meeting? Jan 17 13:55:23 mether yes one more Jan 17 13:55:30 mether I have registered fedorajournal.org Jan 17 13:55:46 mether dont get a fit tchung but its being redirected into fedoranews.org currently Jan 17 13:55:55 * cygnus2936 (n=cygnus29@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has left #fedora-websites Jan 17 13:56:03 mether the idea is to have a regular ORIGINAL content on a monthly basis Jan 17 13:56:06 tchung mether, cool ;) Jan 17 13:56:21 mether somewhat an equivalent of RH magazine or gnome journal for Fedora Jan 17 13:56:36 mether it will be owned and operated by Fedora Foundation Jan 17 13:56:50 mether and I will team up with a few editors Jan 17 13:57:01 mether and authors to provide good articles on a monthly basis Jan 17 13:57:21 mether I have a list of things we brainstormed before. hold on Jan 17 13:57:36 EvilBob YAFS??? Jan 17 13:57:49 EvilBob and my you? Jan 17 13:57:52 EvilBob by Jan 17 13:57:53 EvilBob LOL Jan 17 13:58:51 mether http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/WeeklyReports/2005-Jan-23 Jan 17 13:58:58 mether <gregdek_home> So why wouldn't we just submit the original content to Fedora News? Jan 17 13:58:58 mether Jan 17 08:51:12 <mether> I started this effort Jan 17 13:58:58 mether Jan 17 08:51:26 * sankarshan likes the concept of GNOME Journal Jan 17 13:58:58 mether Jan 17 08:51:35 <mether> gregdek_home, different style. gnomejournal vs gnomedesktop Jan 17 13:58:58 mether Jan 17 08:52:04 <mether> the above weekly reports got some media Jan 17 13:58:59 mether Jan 17 08:52:09 <gregdek_home> And how does WeeklyReports relate to Fedora Journal? Jan 17 13:59:01 mether Jan 17 08:52:23 <mether> gregdek_home, we dont do interviews etc in weekly reports Jan 17 13:59:03 mether Jan 17 08:52:33 <mether> gregdek_home, purely focussed on fedora sub projects Jan 17 13:59:07 mether Jan 17 08:52:37 <mether> gregdek_home, in it Jan 17 13:59:09 mether Jan 17 08:52:59 <sankarshan> gregdek_home: bringing TRM into Fedora in a way Jan 17 13:59:11 mether Jan 17 08:53:04 <mether> gregdek_home, weekly report is kerneltraffic +++\ Jan 17 13:59:13 mether Jan 17 08:53:10 <sankarshan> Red Hat Magazine that is Jan 17 13:59:15 mether Jan 17 08:53:39 <mether> sankarshan, so do you have a list of items that Jan 17 13:59:17 mether I wanted to include in the journal Jan 17 13:59:19 mether Jan 17 08:53:46 <mether> sankarshan, I dont have the discussion archive w Jan 17 13:59:26 mether 08:57:41 <mether> sankarshan, just paste. I wanted gregdek_home to see it too Jan 17 13:59:26 mether Jan 17 08:57:48 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:12:40 mether 1) Interviews with community contributors and Red Hat engineering teams on various stuff they are doing Jan 17 13:59:26 mether Jan 17 08:57:48 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:12:50 mether 2) Articles on roadmaps Jan 17 13:59:28 mether and future plans Jan 17 13:59:30 mether Jan 17 08:57:48 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:13:13 gja 3) Hack of the Week Jan 17 13:59:32 mether Jan 17 08:57:48 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:13:16 mether 3) Different aspects of Jan 17 13:59:36 mether Fedora deployments all over the world Jan 17 13:59:38 mether Jan 17 08:57:48 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:14:13 mether 0) should be editors blog or scribblings Jan 17 13:59:40 mether Jan 17 08:57:50 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:14:21 gja 5) CD of RPMs from updates-released / extras Jan 17 13:59:49 mether Jan 17 08:57:50 <gregdek_home> I'm glad someone smarter than me is keeping up with these details. :) Jan 17 13:59:52 mether Oops. sorry for flooding the channel Jan 17 14:00:02 * EvilBob goes looking for the log where mether said "If someone registers another fedora site I am going to scream" or something like that Jan 17 14:00:29 mether EvilBob, I talked about this plan even before that in the fedora-marketing list Jan 17 14:00:34 EvilBob lol Jan 17 14:00:36 mether EvilBob, So I am right on schedule Jan 17 14:00:59 EvilBob mether: Just have to give you a hard time Jan 17 14:00:59 mether <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:00 sm|CPU mether: any plans of putting in a summary of LKML traffic ? Jan 17 14:00:59 mether Jan 17 08:58:06 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:05 mether pick a utility. go through it in broad detail to highlight stuff people might not now about Jan 17 14:00:59 mether Jan 17 08:58:09 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:13 mether sm|CPU, thats going to be part of fedora news Jan 17 14:00:59 mether Jan 17 08:58:11 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:21 sm|CPU Ok Jan 17 14:01:00 mether Jan 17 08:58:13 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:30 sm|CPU Distribution format ? Jan 17 14:01:02 mether Jan 17 08:58:15 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:41 mether sm|CPU, fedoranews.org/cms is a gnomedesktop style new design Jan 17 14:01:08 mether Jan 17 08:58:17 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:16:45 sm|CPU Downloadable and Printable PDF ? Jan 17 14:01:09 mether Jan 17 08:58:19 <sankarshan> Dec 25 20:17:03 mether sm|CPU, yes fedora magazine would be printable and downloadable Jan 17 14:01:13 mether Jan 17 08:58:40 <sankarshan> that is the short gist of it Jan 17 14:01:37 mether so anyway fedoramagazine.org is unavailable Jan 17 14:01:47 tchung hey mether, I need leave soon. Jan 17 14:01:49 mether so we went for the fedorajournal.org/com/net domains Jan 17 14:01:53 mether tchung, thats fine Jan 17 14:02:01 mether just wanted to pass on this information to everyone Jan 17 14:02:09 mether thats all I have for now Jan 17 14:02:18 nman64 mether: Can you send a summary of that to the list? Jan 17 14:02:19 tchung please email us in the list for your new idea. see you all later! Jan 17 14:02:40 mether nman64, will do Jan 17 14:02:50 nman64 If there's nothing further, let's go ahead and bring this meeting to a close. Jan 17 14:02:59 mether summary of the meeting mins or just the journal stuff? Jan 17 14:03:07 nman64 mether: Journal. Jan 17 14:03:36 nman64 Closing in... Jan 17 14:03:40 nman64 .....5 Jan 17 14:03:44 nman64 ....4 Jan 17 14:03:48 nman64 ...3 Jan 17 14:03:50 nman64 ..2 Jan 17 14:03:52 nman64 .1 Jan 17 14:03:54 nman64 0 Jan 17 14:03:56 EvilBob Happy Year Jan 17 14:03:56 nman64 </meeting>
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