On 12/31/05, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Unfortunately, none of the apps from those links properly fit the > bill, as things like searching, rating, etc. would certainlty be needed. The > project seems is to be more along the line of kde-look.org or art.gnome.org > (I am not sure of these systems have a particular name/category, please tell > me if they do). > Well, I had a look to those sites and their organization (with searching/rating/catagories) seems more the customization of a weblog rather than a picture gallery. Searching for this kind of topic you can find (again) many Zope/plone based solutions, and also stand alone ones. Possible starting points for a search (google: python based weblog engine) http://www.python.org/~jeremy/weblog/031104d.html http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=home Cheers Gianluca