seth vidal wrote:
On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 21:45 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
I have been thinking about this but it doesnt make much sense to me to
have ACL's over all wiki content in Fedora. Wiki has a large edit group
now that they might still make accidental changes which we need to
monitor. I am not sure spam is enough of a problem to warrant this. what
we can do is have a very limited acl for all the sensitive pages and a
free run on the rest to encourage more active participation. There are a
few people who monitor all changes to the wiki and I can do my share too.
No. 'free run' is not safe and trust me, our wiki WILL be defaced by
spammers and bullshit.
Might be true but are you open to atleast giving this a try for a short
duration of say 3 months considering that there are a few people who
monitor changes and can revert back anything wrong?
This project is not open to all comers - we require people apply and
get vetted for extras access, for doc-writing access, for everything.
This should be no different.
Wiki is different in the sense that it promotes quick edits now and then
which is different from the relatively large effort in getting a package
into Fedora Extras or writing formal Fedora docs which happens to be one
of the reasons that the docs project now accepts content through the wiki.
If getting EditGroup access is so much of a barrier to entry that
someone will not contribute to documenting things then I doubt seriously
they are going to contribute much of use, anyway.
Let me give you a few specific examples of where I think this is
useful. Users can add notes on whatever hardware works on their system
to the HCL list or add comments on different specifications. Their
contributions may not be large but over time this can be significant.