It's neat to see all the designs flying by on the list! There's just one point I'd like to make: simplicity is the essence of a good design, and plentiful whitespace is the best indicator of simplicity. Right now the page looks awefully crowded and complex. The whole art of web design revolves around taking complex information and organizing it in a manner that is simple to absorb. I seem to remember reading once about a rule in user interface design that said that you should never have more than 7 items on any level of a menu, and never more than two levels of menus. I think we should try to imagine applying a similar rule to the web site, and perhaps add some navigational cues to help people understand where they are within the site. Some $0.02 to think about, -- Elliot Unanswered questions in The Matrix: What happens if you take both the red pill AND the blue pill?